5 Myths That Actually Stifle Your Success – Part 1

5 Myths That Actually Stifle Your Success – Part 1

Does it feel like you are driving toward success with one foot on the gas and one on the brake? Speed tells you how fast you are going, but seldom, by yourself, can you see how your internal brake stops you from reaching your next level of success. Instead you may...
A Revealing Twist on Gratitude You Need to Know

A Revealing Twist on Gratitude You Need to Know

A simple gratitude ritual can change the course of your day. But knowing about gratitude does not guarantee that you will experience the difference it makes. Gratitude is something we nurture and strengthen with daily activities.  At its most empowering, it is a state...
Invest in Your Mornings – Escape Habit-Forming Media

Invest in Your Mornings – Escape Habit-Forming Media

The alarm sounds and the tug-of-war starts.  The choice you make in the first morning-minutes determines the course of the entire day.  Will you default to a habit or design something new? I promised my next post would include things that I do to resist reaction-mode...
4 Simple Reasons to put Self-Care on Your Holiday List

4 Simple Reasons to put Self-Care on Your Holiday List

Consider putting self-care at the top of your holiday gift list.  When your to-do list spirals out of control, it’s tempting to borrow from the time you’ve committed to your own self-care, in an attempt to catch up.  That’s a slippery slope!  When you feel really busy...

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