
It’s already the third week in 2016.  By now the influence of urgent but not important might be in full swing.  Reaching our personal and professional vision and goals depends entirely upon our ability to motivate ourselves toward fulfilling on our highest priorities.  We can have all the talent and resources in the world but without establishing priorities we won’t get very far toward what we really want

So what can you do to keep your motivation in peak form?

Try implementing these critical skills in your life to master your motivation.

Risk management:  Does the idea of taking risks inspire you to take action, or weaken your resolve?  Tackling the right risks has as much to do with self-confidence as it does with the actual risk itself. When you take even small risks on the most important things you build your confidence.  You’ll learn when it’s best to take action and when to take a step back.

Accept feedback:  No one likes criticism; it can shake our confidence and leave our motivation waning.  The paradox is that accomplishing our highest priorities often invites the most feedback.  When we train ourselves to listen for the opportunities available from feedback, even if it’s not presented in a constructive way, we give ourselves a chance to grow and get stronger.  Remember it’s not personal.  What helpful viewpoint can you gain from the insights of others?

Dealing with setbacks:  Overcoming obstacles requires resilience. Accepting our own shortcomings makes it easier will keep going rather than give up on our highest priorities.  Many people give up after hitting obstacles, unaware that what they seek is close.  Are setbacks a reason you quit before reaching a goal?  Dig deep and find your resilience – your success may be just around the next bend.

Set high and achievable priorities:  It is natural to set goals that are either too ambitious or not ambitious enough.  After all, you’re really asking yourself to predict your future.  Think like ‘Goldilocks’ and find the goal that’s ‘just right’ – a goal that pushes you enough to stay engaged, inspired and slightly uncomfortable; but doesn’t feel impossible.  If it feels impossible your doubt will activate quickly.

By developing your motivation you will experience productivity and happiness in your life as you accomplish the things that are most important to you.

Incorporating even one of these new skills into your daily routine will help you keep your motivation high. Which one are you choosing today?


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