In our super-connected world, it’s even more important to create time to be connected with yourself.  Being alone with ourselves is essential to our happiness.  When we’re alone we can connect with our authentic selves and boost our confidence.

At times people need things from us; whether it’s help with a project, homework, or dinner.  And we need something from us too!  Time alone to put down our social masks and be fully ourselves.

It’s when we create time for solitude that we can ask questions that start with ‘what’ and begin to access our inner genius – starting with the go-to question, ‘what would I love.’  Then we can listen to our inner wisdom, see what we truly need, and learn to take care of ourselves.

Being alone is not the same as being lonely.  Maybe, like me, you weren’t taught the difference between alone and lonely; and moved from childhood to school, to the workplace, and on to adulthood, without appreciating or making time for solitude.  Worried that somehow being alone meant there was something wrong.

It’s easy to view solitude is painful:  And as an antidote, fill your life with activity and staying busy.  There is a big difference between loneliness and solitude.  Loneliness is when you feel disconnected or deficient.  You can feel lonely even in a crowd.

Solitude is an empowering choice.  When you choose to be alone, instead of feeling disconnected, you can focus on connecting with yourself.  When you choose it, solitude becomes a self-care practice.  Here are some benefits to watch for during your times alone.

Awareness.  Solitude creates space to observe what is going on with us.  To find out what’s important to us, our dreams, and what we truly love.  Creating solitude helps you find your voice and connect with who you truly are.

“You cannot be lonely if you like the person you’re alone with.”  ~ Wayne Dyer

Creativity.  In solitude ideas and inspirations bubble up as your busy life calms and recedes around you.  You become aware of new ideas and solutions.

Confidence.  The simple act of being alone with ourselves is incredibly powerful.  You’re saying “I’m worth it”, and this is the basis of self-esteem.  You can stop worrying about whether anyone else will approve.

Energy.  Let go of all the complications of life and fall into the beauty of the present moment – and yourself.  Use your time alone to recharge your mental-emotional batteries.

“I have to be alone often.  I’d be quite happy if I spent from Saturday night until Monday morning alone in my apartment.  That’s how I refuel.”   ~ Audrey Hepburn

Clarity.  Solitude gives you space and privacy to process life’s problems and emotions.  When we review and release our emotions privately it allows us to move on with our lives.  You may be able to process with loved ones and feel supported, but when we’re alone we can process it all, and hold nothing back.

Gratitude. Solitude gives us time to appreciate all that life has to offer without judgment of ourselves or others.  As the dust settles it’s easier to appreciate life.

Solutions.  Solitude gives you the space to notice what is and is not working in your life.  In contemplation the muddy water settles and we can see the truth of things.

All the answers we need are inside of us, and solitude helps us connect with our true selves and find our wisdom within.


To get more confidence boosting tips download 7 Myths You Must Shatter to Unleash Your Confidence.

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