
You have superpowers you are not using!  The life-forces that, when used consciously, move you toward your dream or goal with ease and speed.  There are several but let’s start with intention.  It is the cornerstone of your superpowers.

Intention is the rudder that steers the course of your life Click To Tweet

In setting an intention you make it clear to yourself and others exactly what you want and plan to do.  You can also use intention to declare the quality of life or the state of being that you intend to experience along the way.  Set an intention for a task, an event, a day, a project or a year.  More is better, as long as they are set with awareness and conviction.

An intention sets your thoughts, energy and actions on a deliberate path Click To Tweet

When you act from the awareness of an intention things align in your favor.  You get creative ideas, experience synchronicity and feel like you are in the flow.

Why would you want to set intentions?  Let’s use driving from Dallas to Los Angeles as an example.  We often unconsciously set intentions when planning a trip, but seldom use the process in planning our lives.  Here are 3 simple reasons to consider.

  1. You know where you are going.  Sure, the intention is to get from point A to point B but there are LOTS of variations of the experience along the way.  When you set an intention those variations are under YOUR influence rather than happening by default.  Maybe the intention is to travel bat-out-of-hell, as fast as possible?  Or to see sights or visit friends along the way?  Do you want to be stressed and anxious the entire trip or to relax and have an adventure?

Your intention has the power to influence your entire experience Click To Tweet

  1. You don’t have to be a mind-reader. When travelling with another person, you have a chance to align your intentions in advance rather than discover after starting that your desires are 180 degrees apart.  Setting intentions prevents having to negotiate and compromise after-the-fact when each of you is likely to feel trapped, misunderstood or both.
  1. You know when you have arrived. You know when to celebrate!  Sounds obvious, but if you’re anything like me, whether it’s a project for business or a road-trip, I often get to the destination, check the “done” box and move to the next project.  Set an intention to trigger a celebration.  Whatever happened along the way, this is a chance to acknowledge what you liked, learn from the wrong-turns or detours and CLOSE the project.  Take the lessons and memories you want to keep, leave the rest in the past and start with a new intention.

Setting intentions is essential for helping you focus on and measure success Click To Tweet

I would love to hear how you use the power of intention to accelerate your results.

If setting intentions is new for you, start with one or two and expect to notice a difference in your outcome or experience.  Next week I’ll share examples of intentions for you to experiment with.



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