Does it feel like you are driving toward success with one foot on the gas and one on the brake?

Speed tells you how fast you are going, but seldom, by yourself, can you see how your internal brake stops you from reaching your next level of success.

Instead you may feel that you’re working really hard, feeling out of balance or burned out, and wondering if it will ever get easier.

Today I’m writing this blog for both of us.  With help from my coach, I’m taking a close look at where I have my own foot on the brake and which of the 5 Myths holds me back.  I’m pretty sure my thermostat is ready for a to change.  What about you?

If you want to take a look, here are 5 Myths to get you started.

Myth ONE:  “I’ll be successful when…”

Dump this one and replace it with “I am successful now.”  Your subconscious believes what you tell it, so if you’re waiting until you feel successful in order to move ahead you will wait a very long time.  Generate the feeling NOW.  It will feel weird.  That’s because it’s new.  It may take some training to get comfortable with that way of thinking.  It may never feel natural – that’s not the point.  Your subconscious won’t know the difference.

Myth TWO:  “If I’m successful, I will lose people I love.”

Don’t believe this one!  Here is a great replacement:  “My resonance attracts people that love and support me.”

When you resonate with the energy of self-care and confidence it is very attractive.  Supportive people will be drawn to you in ways you could never predict.  A few relationships may come into question when you are no longer using them as an excuse not to be successful.  Bless and release!

Myth THREE:  “If I’m focused on money and numbers, I won’t be spiritual.  I won’t be true to my soul’s purpose.”

There is nothing noble about a money struggle.

Money hears what you think about it, so make it welcome like you would a house guest.  What you measure moves.  One of the best ways to know you are touching the optimal number of people with your gifts is to know your numbers.

The myths may be invisible, but the impact is real.  It’s time to take your foot off the brake.  Watch for More of the 5 Myths That Secretly Stifle Your Success in tomorrow’s post.

You can’t get to your dream; you must come from your dream. 

The myths may be invisible, but the impact is not.  Please comment below or in the Facebook post how you plan to release the brake.


If you’d like more information about my coaching programs let’s schedule a time to talk.

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