Take time to celebrate.  Celebrate your successes, your growth, your accomplishments. Honor you and who you are.

On the days we recognize special events, my reading in The Language of Letting Go reminded me to be sure I’m included. So I invite you to be sure that you’re included.

For all too long you have been hard on yourself. Others have spilled their negative energy, their attitudes, beliefs, pain, on you. It had nothing to do with you.  All along you have been a gift to yourself and to the universe.

You are a child of God.  Beautiful – a delight – a joy. You do not have to try harder, be better, be perfect, or be anything you are not. Your beauty is in you, just exactly as you are each moment.

Celebrate that!

When you have a success, when you accomplish something, enjoy it. Pause, reflect; rejoice. For too long you may have been listening to admonitions not to feel good about what you have done.  Concerns that praise of your accomplishments would invite arrogance.  Maybe you have been taught that celebration is boastful and conflict with humility.  It is time to release those old beliefs and enjoy the flood of happy brain chemicals released when you honor your success.

Celebration is a high form of praise.  A high level of gratitude to the Creator for the beauty of God’s creation. To enjoy and praise the good does not mean it will be taken from you. To celebrate is to delight in the gift and experience of life; to show gratitude.

Related A Revealing Twist on Gratitude You Need to Know

Celebrate your relationships. Honor the lessons from the past and the love and warmth that you cherish today. Enjoy the beauty of others and their connection to you.

Celebrate all that is your life; all that is good.

Celebrate you!


What about you deserves to be acknowledged today?  How will you indulge in the joy and energy of gratitude and celebration?


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